Hi I’m Piusbird a/k/a Matt Arnold an independent creator, and artist sort of person. Living with Cerbral Palsy, Autism, and mental health issues. Welcome to my website. Right now it’s just a collection of links, and a blog thing.
In the year 2022 THE INTERNET, and THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION have strayed far from the ideals which formed it Instead of creating a world in which all people could get ahead Regardless of background, or birth. Where the free flow of information would ensure Truth, and Justice would reign supreme. Global Megacorperations, and cynical opportunists have perverted the systems that were meant to ensure freedom, opportunity, truth, and unity into the most powerful system of oppression and division yet known to humanity. The tools exist to FIGHT BACK, but THE RESISTANCE is disorganized and weak. Some have even been co-opted by the FORCES OF DARKNESS, only seeing technology as a means to secure ECONOMIC PROSPERITY. If the ideals of the revolution are to TRIUMPH, people must see the digital world as something more than the corporate services, and MARKETPLACE of IDEAS. We must see the digital world as a HOME so that we may FIGHT to PROTECT IT. But a house is NO HOME without JOY within it. Thus my mission To Explore Strange and Unfamiliar corners of the the INTERNET To seek out emerging forms of ART AND EXPRESSION. To EDUCATE MY FELLOW humans in the Craft of Computing To Bring Joy and Delight back into our Digital Lives
Hi I’m Piusbird a/k/a Matt Arnold an independent creator, and artist sort of person. Living with Cerbral Palsy, Autism, and mental health issues. Welcome to my website. Right now it’s just a collection of links, and a blog thing.